Born in Prague, '49, citizen of Switzerland and the Czech republic, SWISS FILMS, WorldCat, IMDb, has produced resp. coproduced, written and directed documentaries such as:
2024 ▶︎ “Wozu all diese Briefe gut waren” (German only), 66'; eine Aufzeichnung der Lesung mit Sonja Caruso und Kamil Krejčí am 15. 5. 2024 in Punktelf, Solothurn
2003/2019 ▶︎ “Glück gehabt” (German only), Beta-SP, 36’; Buchpräsentation mit George Wyland und Lenka Reinerová; Goethe-Institut Prag, am 6.3.2003
1999 "They think I'm crazy...", Beta SP, 25'; ART-Film and Ceska televize documentary about the physician Dr. Jaroslav Tollinger
1998 ▶︎ "Erik Kolár - Loutkař s hvězdou osudu”, Beta SP, 25'; ART-Film and Ceska televize documentary about the puppeteer Erik Kolár; Czech only
1998 ▶︎ "Erik Kolár - Loutkař s hvězdou osudu”, Beta SP, 25'; ART-Film and Ceska televize documentary about the puppeteer Erik Kolár; English subtitles (496Mb)
1997 ▶︎ "Marianne Werefkin", Beta SP, 35'; ART-Film and TSI documentary about the life and work of the Russian peintress Marianne Werefkin
1996 ▶︎ "Peter Rybar", Beta SP, 25'; ART-Film, Ceska televize, TSR and TSI portrait of the Czech violin virtuoso living in Switzerland (in Italian only)
1995 "The Different Glass Of Bohemia", Beta SP, 28'; ART-Film and Ceska televize documentary about glass as art; XIXe festival int. du film d'art, Paris, UNESCO
1994 ▶︎ "Domenico Trezzini", Beta SP, 45'; ART-Film and TSI documentary about the part the architect Trezzini (1734) played during the foundation and building of St. Petersburg under Peter The Great; XVIIIe festival int. du film d'art, Paris, UNESCO
1993 ▶︎ "Artisti dei laghi", 16mm/Beta SP, 3 x 28' resp. 80’/1.05Gb; Coproduktion Topic-Film AG/ TSI/Ceska televize Semi-documentary about the migration of the architects and constructing workers from the area of the Lake Lugano to Bohemia and Moravia; "Prix Information Architecturale", XVIIe festival int. du film d'art, Paris, UNESCO / Production details at IMDb:
1992 ▶︎ "Cenek Prazak” in Czech (40'/620Mb), 1993, Beta SP, 40'; Ceska Televize documentary
1992 ▶︎ "Cenek Prazak” deutsche Untertitel (40'/721Mb!!!)
1991 ▶︎ “Die Waisenkinder von Ayacucho”, Beta SP, 28’; PS-Film
1991 "Vilma - A Life On The Edge", Beta SP, 42'/35'; PS-Film/UNICEF documentary about survival in the 'pueblo jovenes' of Lima, Peru; Luzern, Viper ‘91
1991 ▶︎ "Zürich für den Film”, Beta SP, 14’21; a documentary for and about the Community Organization by the same title (initiating the financial support of the local film productions)
1990 ▶︎ “Die samtene Revolution", Beta SP, 42'; SF DRS (seismo) documentary about the part of the youth that it played during the "Velvet Revolution" in Prague, ’89 (in German)
1989 ▶︎ "Verne - All Kinds Of Lives", 16mm, 42'; Topic-Film AG documentary about an 80 years old 'Lebenskuenstler' from San Francisco; festivals Leipzig ’89, St. Petersburg '91; Karlsbad, Solothurn '90; München '95
1988 "From Anton Graff to Max Bill", 35mm, 25'; documentary about the art collection of 'Kunstmuseums Winterthur’; CONDOR FILM AG documentary about the art collection of 'Kunstmuseums Winterthur’
1987 ▶︎ "The Collector, An Artist”, 35mm, 25'; documentary about Oskar Reinhart’s art collection at 'Am Roemerholz’ in Winterthur
1986 ▶︎ Tour de Sol ’86, Beta SP, 55’; Rincovision documentary about the use of solar energy in vehicles
1985 ▶︎ "Born Again Primitive", 3/4 HB, 58'; CONDOR FILM AG and SKYLINE TV, NY, documentary about Russel Means and the AIM and its goals; "Honorable Mention", Int. Film & TV Festival, New York ’86.
1981 ▶︎ "I've Got A Name”, 16mm, 10'; CONDOR FILM AG documentary for UNICEF (Bangladesh, Tanzania, Peru) "Gold Award", Int. Film & TV Festival, New York ’82; "Certificate Of Merit", INTERCOM, Chicago '82; Kodak Information Award ’83. Commentary James Earl Jones
1980 "Life Is Movement, Movement Is Life”, 16mm, 25'; CONDOR FILM AG documentary; Goldmedall Marburg '80, Kodak Information Award ’82.
1977 ▶︎ "To Go Between", 16mm, 10’
1976 ▶︎ "An Attempt In Blue", 16mm, 0’48”
1971 ▶︎ "Aus dem Leben der Insekten" (Monika Demenga); Tonspur 1’40"
1968-75 ▶︎ "The Fragments of a Memory", 16mm, 5'
music by Bill Frisell, CD "Disfarmer", 2009
in memoriam: friends gone, who left an imprint not only on me...